Extended Detection & Response

A comprehensive cybersecurity solution, best suited for an extended detection and response for your complete organization covering the on-premises, office, network, cloud, Firewalls, Applications, Endpoints…etc.

What is XDR ?

XDR, or Extended Detection and Response, unifies cybersecurity tools across all layers from users to data. It enhances threat prevention, detection, and response by seamlessly integrating diverse security solutions. This streamlined combined approach eliminates visibility gaps, enabling faster threat resolution and informed decision-making to defend against cyber attacks.

What can an XDR offer?

Advanced investigation platform

Access an advanced investigation platform for in-depth analysis and response

Log retention up to 365 days

Secure logs for compliance and historical analysis, supporting robust security practices with log retention up to 365 days.

30 days retention

Retain security data for up to 30 days to facilitate thorough investigation and analysis of incidents.

Machine learning for out-layer detection

Apply machine learning techniques to detect abnormal behavior patterns and identify potential threats.

24/7 Threat monitoring and support.

Benefit from continuous threat monitoring and round-the-clock support to detect and respond to security incidents.

Incident Investigation and Response

Conduct thorough investigations of security incidents and implement appropriate response measures to mitigate threats.

Cloud Security Monitoring

Continuously monitor your cloud environment to detect suspicious activities, behavioral anomalies, and intrusion attempts.

Network Traffic Analysis

Detect threats and enable rapid incident response through continuous analysis of network traffic monitoring solutions.

User Behavior Analytics

Identify anomalies, aiding threat detection and proactive security measures for abnormal user behaviors in security solutions.

Threat hunting across all data

Enhance security posture by actively searching for potential threats, enabling proactive threat hunting across all data sources.

Customizable Dashboards

Provide actionable security intelligence with customizable views, offering tailored dashboards for real-time insights and analytics.

Custom Rules Creation

Utilize custom rules to detect suspicious activities and trigger alerts for abnormal behavior.

Why use an XDR ?

Comprehensive Visibility

Offers holistic visibility across multiple security layers, including endpoints, networks, emails, and cloud environments, for enhanced threat detection.

Security team more productive

Integrates threat intelligence feeds and contextual information to improve threat detection accuracy and prioritize alerts based on risk levels.

Automated Response

Utilizes automated response actions and playbooks to quickly contain and remediate threats across interconnected security domains, reducing manual effort and response times.

Cross-Platform Analysis

Performs correlated analysis across different security tools and data sources to identify complex attack patterns and uncover hidden threats missed by traditional security solutions.

Get Started with INOVAGARD XDR

Explore comprehensive threat visibility with our XDR demo opportunity and harness advanced detection and response capabilities.

Book a demo: See Inovaguard XDR in Action

Let us show you why Inovaguard XDR is the top choice for endpoint protection.

With Inovaguard XDR, you can:

Monitors and responds across multiple layers.
Gain centralized visibility into threats.
Utilizes automation for threat detection.
Add security expertise to your team — without adding headcount.
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